Pets On Furniture

Do your pets sit or sleep on your furniture?  Mine do!  Have your boundaries flown out the window in this area? Boundaries- what are those? Here’s to our first installment called Pet’s On Furniture.  If you'd like to send me photos to include in next week's \"pets on furniture\" post, pictures can be sent to [email protected].  Please make sure your pictures are in nice quality, your pet is on a piece of furniture, and please include your name, location, website or blog along with a brief description. 



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Do your pets sit or sleep on your furniture?  Mine do!  Have your boundaries flown out the window in this area? Boundaries- what are those? Here’s to our first installment called Pet’s On Furniture.  If you'd like to send me photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, pictures can be sent to .  Please make sure your pictures are in nice quality, your pet is on a piece of furniture, and please include your name, location, website or blog along with a brief description.